ICES, PICES Symposium 2017
- From physical mechanisms to natural fluctuations of small pelagic fishes: The Angolan upwelling scenario. Ostrowski et al.
To view more (non-PREFACE) presentations from the PICES International Symposium on Drivers of Dynamics of Small Pelagic Fish Resources, 06-11 March 2017, Victoria, BC, Canada, please click HERE.
5th WGNE Workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models, 19-23 June 2017, Montreal, Quebec (CA)
- Model drift analysis to understand the causes of systematic errors in climate prediction systems. Sanchez et al.
- SST bias development in the Tropical Atlantic in PREFACE coordinated experiments. Voldoire et al.
To view more (non-PREFACE) presentations from the 5th WGNE workshop, please click HERE.
Cluster of Excellence ‘The Future Ocean’ conference on Advances in Integrated Ocean Research towards Sustainable Development, 2-6 July 2017, Kiel, Germany
- Can the anomaly coupling improve the equatorial Atlantic interannual variability? Koseki et al.
To find out more about the event, please click HERE.
PREFACE International Conference on Ocean, Climate and Ecosystems (Final Conference 2018)
Oral presentations
Welcome Session: Overview of PREFACE Research Core Themes
- CT2: Key oceanic processes in the eastern Tropical Atlantic
- CT3: Climate modelling and Tropical Atlantic biases
- CT4: Predicting Tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts
- CT5: Marine ecosystems, fisheries and climate change
Session 1: Oceanic Processes – Oral
- Eastern boundary circulation and hydrography off Angola – building Angolan oceanographic capacities (Tchipalanga et al)
- Role of Equatorial Basin-Mode Resonance for the Seasonal Variability of the Angola Current at 11°S (Kopte et al)
- Sources and propagation pathways of water masses to the northern Benguela upwelling system. (Schmidt et al)
- Coastal trapped wave propagation along the southwest African shelf as revealed by moored observations. (Junker et al)
- Benguela Niño and Niña events from 1958 to 2015 (Imbol Koungue et al) Not available until publication
- How the low-frequency equatorial Kelvin wave activity, local ocean stratification, and coastal winds modulate the south-eastern interannual Atlantic variability? (Bachèlery et al)
- Monitoring Rossby waves along 6 degree south in the tropical Atlantic (Rouault et al)
- Equatorial Deep Jets in the Atlantic Ocean studied by observations and ocean general circulation models (Brandt et al)
- Deep intraseasonal variability in the central equatorial Atlantic (Tuchen et al)
- Inertial wave induced mixing in the tropical Atlantic: observations, parameterizations and impacts (Jochum et al)
- Mixed layer heat budget in the north-eastern tropical upwelling system: Two paradoxes of the temperature control in the Senegalese upwelling (Faye et al)
Session 1: Oceanic Processes – Poster
- The variability of the Cape Boujdor upwelling and its relationship with the cape Blanc frontal zone (Hilmi et al)
- An elevated turbulent mixing event caused by a near-inertial wave in the mixed layer (Dengler et al)
- Mixed layer heat/salt budget and Equatorial Under-Current dynamics in the tropical Atlantic from a joint model-observations approach (Alory et al)
- Seasonal variations of tidally generated internal waves in the eastern boundary upwelling system off Angola (Brandt et al)
Session 2: Climate Variability and Teleconnections – Oral
- Do SST gradients drive the monthly climatological surface wind convergence over the tropical Atlantic? (Diakhate et al)
- Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability and its relation to dynamic and thermodynamic processes (Jouanno et al)
- The coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere in the equatorial Atlantic seasonal cycle (Crespo et al)
- Sea Surface Salinity signature of the tropical Atlantic interannual climatic modes (Alory et al)
- Climates in oceanic regions characterized by low-level clouds (Mechoso et al)
- Interdecadal changes in ocean teleconnections with the Sahel. Modulating role of the multidecadal SST background. (Suarez-Moreno et al)
- South Atlantic Anti-Cyclone as a driver of Atlantic Niño variability (Keenlyside et al) Not available until publication
- Conciliating tropical Atlantic impact on ENSO (Rodriguez de la Fonseca et al)
- Role of the ocean dynamics in ENSO-tropical Atlantic teleconnection under warmer climate (Martin del Rey et al)
Session 2: Climate Variability and Teleconnections – Poster
- Boreal spring equatorial Sea Surface Salinity as a potential predictor of Atlantic Cold Tongue events (Da-Allada et al)
- Oceanic Forcing on Interannual Variability of Sahel Heavy and Moderate Daily Rainfall Events (Diakhate et al) Not available until publication
- Longitudinal variations of SST event characteristics in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans (Dippe et al)
- Abrupt transitions in the NAO control of explosive North Atlantic cyclone development (Gómara et al)
- Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability in a CGCM (Koseki et al)
- Is the boreal spring Tropical Atlantic SST variability a precursor for the Equatorial Mode? (Martín del Rey et al)
- The coupling between tropical Pacific and Atlantic basins in a recharge oscillator framework (Crespo et al)
- Interdecadal changes in ocean teleconnections with the Sahel. Modulating role of the multidecadal SST background (Suarez-Moreno et al)
- The connection between Atlantic multi-decadal variability and the Indian summer monsoon in CMIP5 models (Svendsen et al)
- Atlantic control of the late-19th century Sahel humid period (Villamayor et al).
- Meridian Seasonal Variability of the Tropical Atlantic Warm Pool Associated with the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) (Wane et al)
Session 3: Climate Prediction – Oral
- Reducing climate model systematic error in the tropical Atlantic sector by enhancing atmospheric resolution: implications for seasonal to interannual variability and predictability (Latif et al)
- Prediction of Short-term Tropical Atlantic Climate Fluctuations using A Coupled Climate Model with Different Atmosphere Model Resolutions (Li et al)
- Relationships among Inter-model Spread and Biases in Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (Mohino et al)
- The April Transition between Easterly and Westerly Wind Bias in the Tropical Atlantic in Hindcasts Using the ECMWF IFS (Shonk et al)
- Role of wind stress in driving coupled model SST biases in the Tropical Atlantic (Voldoire et al)
- Bias development and its impact on prediction skill as examined from daily mean output of a full-field initialization hindcast (Richter et al)
- Seasonal prediction skill in the tropical Atlantic using anomaly coupling (Svendsen et al)
- Impact of Tropical Atlantic variability on Tropical Pacific predictability (Exarchou et al)
- Quantifying systematic climate model errors in the simulation of interannual and decadal climate variability in the tropical Atlantic region (Zanchettin et al) Not available until publication
- Revisiting the CMIP5 Thermocline in the Tropical Pacific (Castaño-Tierno et al)
Session 3: Climate Prediction – Poster
- Influence of SST bias in North West Africa upwelling system in CMIP5 models (Castaño-Tierno et al)
- Climate projections with bias-reduced CGCMs in Tropical Atlantic (Demissie et al)
- Impact of dynamical regionalization on precipitation biases and teleconnections over West Africa (Gómara et al)
- Impact of the anomaly coupling in the simulation of the interannual variability of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean in a simulation (Losada et al)
- Impact of the reduction of the southern extratropical incoming radiation on the simulation of the tropical Atlantic variability (Losada et al)
- Relationship between inter-annual tropical variability and mean state in CMIP5 models (Polo et al)
- Impact of the ocean stochastic parameterization on the simulated mean state and variability of a coupled model (Sanchez et al)
- Tropical Atlantic low-cloud biases in CNRM-CM6: evaluation of the new atmospheric physics (Voldoire et al)
Session 4: Marine Ecosystems, Fisheries Management and Climate Change – Oral
- Spatial and Temporal variability of primary production in the north-west African upwelling: A modelling approach. (Gorgues et al)
- Synthesis of prey field dynamics and the analysis of tuna dynamics to qualitatively evaluate the prospect for future fisheries in the tropical eastern central Atlantic. (Fock et al)
- Yellowfin tuna catch opportunities in Cape Verde – coping with uncertainties of local CPUEs. (Monteiro et al)
- Hydrographic control on larval fish assemblages: Lessons from the Canary Current Ecosystem. (Tiedemann et al)
- Sardinella aurita growth parameters variability under the balanced effects of climate change and fishing pressure (Balde et al)
- On the role of equatorial warm events in expanding the southward range of Sardinella aurita along the Angolan coast. (Ostrowski et al) – not available until publication
- A promising effect of El Niño on sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast: a potential source of seasonal predictability? (López-Parages et al)
- Intense warming causes a spatial shift of small pelagic fish: early warning for food security in North-West Africa (Sarre et al)
- Climate change and seasonality of small pelagics: impacts on their value chain in Senegal. (Mbaye et al)
- The economic impacts of Marine Protected Area on Senegalese small pelagic fisheries (Ba et al)
- Empirical bio-economic modelling of small-scale artisanal fisheries under climate change: A new approach and application to the Senegalese purse-seine fishery. (Lancker et al)
- Managing Environmental Impacts and Decrease in Marine Fish Catch: Perceptions and Strategies by Fisher Folks in Coastal Nigeria. (Chukwuone et al) Not available until publication
Session 4: Marine Ecosystems, Fisheries Management and Climate Change – Poster
- Variabilité hydrobiologique de la région de Dakhla (24°N-23°30°N et 23°N) et biodiversité du micro-phytoplancton (Baibai et al)
- Modelling and management options in a context of increase fishing effort and efficiency: Case of Ethmalosa fimbriata in Southern Senegal (Balde et al)
- Estimating dynamics of population fecundity to understand spawning tactics in Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich, 1825) in an upwelling environment (Balde et al)
- The effect of oceanographic factors on micronektonic acoustic density in the three African Atlantic large marine ecosystems (Brehmer et al)
- Micronektonic acoustic density variations along Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem over 20 years (Behagle et al)
- Complex small pelagic fish population patterns arising from individual behavioral responses to their environment (Brochier et al)
- AURITA Western African small pelagic fish populations’ resilience (Brochier et al)
- Spatial Environmental trends in the three Atlantic African Large Marine Ecosystems in a context of global warming (Demarcq et al)
- Occurrence spatiale et biodiversité des méduses dans l’écosystème Atlantique marocain entre (35°N) et (21°N) (Idrissi et al)
- Micronektonic acoustic density variations in Guinea Current Large Marine Ecosystem continental shelf from 1999 to 2006 (Kouassi et al)
- Characterization of micronektonic spatial structure using ecosystemic acoustics descriptors applied in three Atlantic African Large Marine Ecosystems (Mouget et al)
- Unsupervised functional classification applied on high resolution oceanographic data in Canaries current large marine ecosystem: toward fine scale analysis. (Ndiaye et al)
- Matecho: an open-source tool for processing fisheries acoustics data to facilitate collaborative development (Perrot et al)
- Echo level segmentation on echointegration of fisheries acoustics data (Perrot et al)
- Adding fuel to the fish: impacts of petroleum production on nigerian fisherfolk (Schmidt et al)
- Analysing tortuosity in diving behaviour of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in Cabo Verde (Silva et al)
- Comparative Analysis of Diel Vertical Migration between three Atlantic African Large Marine Ecosystems (Tiedemann et al)
- Micronektonic acoustic density variations along Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem from 1994 to 2001 (Uanivi et al)