Governance Panels
Arbitration and Gender
Concerning arbitration, this panel resolves conflicts occurring between partners of the consortium in relation to the project. It may for example become active in conflicts on authorship on publications resulting from the research in PREFACE. It will review the conflicts together with the involved partners and propose solutions. Concerning gender, this panel is responsible for PREFACE’s gender action plan and gives advice to the SSEB on its implementation. The members will make recommendations on relevant gender issues related to recruitment of PREFACE staff and monitor how special needs for female researchers are being taken into account in the various training and research activities.
Members: Emilia Sanchez-Gomez (CERFACS), Belen Rodríguez-Fonseca (UCM), Mahaut de Vareilles (UiB)
Links of interest:
–European Commission-Justice: Gender Equality
–European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
–Platform of Women Scientists
Data Management, Data Policy and Dissemination Panel
This panel will deal with all issues of data collection, data use and distribution. PREFACE makes use of historic data collected under the FAO EAF Nansen programme. The data belongs to those countries in whose EEZ it was collected. The panel is charged to ensure partners respect ownership of these data, while promoting its use in PREFACE. It will give advice to the SSEB about all aspects of intellectual property rights. This panel will also be charged with overseeing project dissemination.
Members: Benjamin Pfeil (UiB), Marcus Dengler (GEOMAR), Mathieu Rouault (UCT), Anja Van de Plas (MFMR)
Scientific and Partner Integration Panel
PREFACE has defined 3 integrating themes (1-Ocean processes; 2-Ocean-atmosphere-land interactions; 3-Predicting tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts) that tie work across the project and are key to reaching the projects objectives. The integration panel will monitor the project wide progress in these themes, and suggest methods to improve scientific integration and coordination across work packages (WPs) and CTs in these overarching themes.
Additionally, this panel will assist the consortium to work towards the best possible integration of partners in PREFACE. Typical tasks could include capacity development where it is needed, and assistance with administrative procedures to newcomers in this type of grant system.
Members: Amadou T. Gaye (UCAD), Ezinvi Baloitcha (UAC), Gael Alory (IRD), Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca (UCM)